Dr. Graciela Zanini


Dr. Zanini received her BS. in Chemistry and PhD in Chemistry from the National University of Río Cuarto, Argentina. She performed postdoctoral studies at the Laboratory of Photochemistry, National University of Córdoba and held other positions at Chemistry Department of University of Santiago de Compostela. Spain and at Department of Plant and Environmental Science. Faculty of Science. University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Her research focuses on synthesis of materials encapsulating solids in biopolymer hydrogels for various applications: i) Water decontamination through adsorption processes ii) Development of pollutant detectors by enhancing the fluorescent properties of adsorbed organic substances iii) Preconcentration by adsorption for sample treatment and quantification purposes iv) Degradation of pollutants via the generation of reactive oxygen species  Her work focuses on the removal and/or preconcentration of dissolved herbicides in water, such as paraquat, glyphosate, 2,4-D, and metsulfuron-methyl, as well as some emerging contaminants, including pharmaceuticals like paracetamol.







Publications with Dr. Zanini